As the adage goes, “don’t sweat the small stuff.” But that might be easier said than done for many of us. “It’s not uncommon to become upset over small things sometimes,” Nicole Raines, a licensed marriage and family therapist, told HuffPost. “Especially after the collective past few years that we have lived through, the uncertainty […]
Why Do We Always Want To Know How Someone Died?
When we learn that someone has died ― especially at an earlier age than expected ― there’s often a flood of painful emotions and difficult questions. Chief among them: How did this happen? Whether we knew the deceased well or they were a complete stranger, some of us have a tendency to fixate on finding […]
6 People Reveal The ‘Signs’ They Received After A Loved One’s Death
Twice in the year after my stepdad Chris died, I woke up to see I had a missed call from his cell phone — both times at 3:33 a.m. After the first call, my phone also showed I had a voicemail from him. But when I listened to the message, it was just some muffled […]
This Is What Grief Physically Feels Like
When thinking of grief, it’s common to picture people crying and feeling sadness or despair. But emotions aren’t the full extent of how grief manifests. For many, there are physical, bodily symptoms as well. “The body and mind work together, so it is not unusual for grief to be experienced physically,” said Nicole Raines, a licensed […]
It’s OK To Cherish Good Memories With Your Ex
While listening to an episode of the popular podcast “Normal Gossip,” I was struck by something that guest Tracy Clayton said reflecting on a past relationship. “I can say a lot of bad clearly because he’s an ex, but one of my favorite things about this particular ex is that he was so into gossip,” […]
Yes, The ‘Puppy Blues’ Are A Real Thing.
Here’s How To Cope.
It’s hard to imagine anything more delightful than bringing an adorable puppy home. Yet many new dog owners find themselves feeling anything but delighted during those early weeks and months. It turns out there’s a name for this phenomenon: the puppy blues. Read Full Article Here
How to Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself (According to 15+ Experts)
It’s no secret that some of us put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Whether it’s striving to meet our professional goals, keeping up with our social media persona, or simply trying to be the best version of ourselves — it can be tough not to compare ourselves to others and constantly strive for more. […]
What to Do When a Friend Is Ignoring You (60+ Helpful Tips)
Have you ever had a friend who seems to be ignoring you? You may have noticed they don’t text you back anymore, leave your calls unanswered, or even refuse to see you. You start to worry that something’s wrong, and you rack your brain for explanations of why this is happening and how to fix […]
Understanding Your Partner’s Communication Style Is Key To Strengthening Your Relationship—Here’s Where To Start
Young lesbian Couple Walking Down Street After Meeting Whether you’ve been with your partner for three weeks, three months, or three years, communication is crucial when it comes to fostering and maintaining a healthy relationship. However, it is entirely possible (and fairly common) for partners to communicate very differently, says marriage and family therapist Becky Stuempfig, LMFT. Differing […]
5 Body Language Signs You Should Never Ignore From Your Partner, Therapists Say
It’s easy to believe you and your partner are on the same page if you’ve not been directly told anything to the contrary. Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. Researchers claim that anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of what we actually mean or feel is communicated nonverbally, according to Beth Ribarsky, PhD, a professor of interpersonal communication […]
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